The Story of Shante Elliott, Founder of TasselTurn

Shante Elliot is a force. 

As the winner of The 2019 FundHer Pitchfest, all eyes are on the inspiring founder who drew on her past as a student in foster care, to change the future for tomorrow’s students in foster care. Here’s her inspiring story:

“At the age of 13, I hit the lottery. I received what all children in the foster system long for– a forever family. While my forever family provided me with a sense of belonging, it afforded me with something far greater, educational stability. I built TasselTurn because I want every youth in foster care to have a chance to have what I had – a chance to overcome their circumstances through education.



Terri Brax is the Creator and Co-Force behind Women Tech Founders and TeacherCare. Her passion is advancing those around her.