Women Tech Founders, better known as WTF started as a grassroots effort by the women of Chicago’s tech community to fill the huge void of women in tech. But, it was more too.
When I tell people our name, they usually do something like fist bump me (fist bump to all of you reading this now). I think it’s because it resonates with everyone. It says I won’t accept the status quo – Its’ the good fight that we all have inside of us.
My WTF moment hit me because I saw that women and minorities are virtually invisible in tech – the most powerful industry in the world. WTF was a call-to-action that echoed across the women of Chicago’s incubators, universities and businesses. It resonated with people and organizations who were marginalized in the most powerful industries in the world. People who realized that there was never a better time to make change than now. And there was never going to be a better platform to do it than under a name like WTF. Power needs to belong to everyone. But it doesn’t…and we hope to change that!
Over the next few posts you’ll get to read about women tech founders,their brief stories as they share their messages, wtf moments, and a bit of inspiration.We’re making ourselves visible so other women will know this industry belongs to them too. And when you are done reading about each of them (and hearing them speak when you come to our events), you will never look at women in tech the same.
And maybe our wtf will be your wtf too.
Terri Brax
CoFounder – Women Tech Founders
Terri Brax is the Creator and Co-Force behind Women Tech Founders and TeacherCare. Her passion is advancing those around her.